We're here to help you thrive.

Centro Tepeyac offers several classes to help mothers every step of their journey before and after pregnancy.Ā 

Outside of classes, we offer a wide variety of resources to help educate soon-to-be mothers by answering their questions and bringing them peace.

Our Free Educational Classes

All of our free educational classes are currently in the Spanish language only.

Nutrition Class


In our Nutrition Class, we will cover the following:

  • Food As Preventive Medicine while pregnant: This is more than an apple a day ā€“ it’s about getting more nutrient-rich, disease-preventing, and functional foods in your cart and on your plate.
  • Healthy Living Made Easy as a mom: Whether you’re concerned about heart health, blood sugar or just interested in maximizing your health as a mother, learn simple tips to move you

Parenting Class


In our Parenting Class, we will cover the following:

  • Baby’s Cry: Why is the baby crying, not stopping crying, what should I do? It can lead to shaken baby syndrome (What it is, why it happens, and how it can be prevented)
  • Breastfeeding: Getting Started, Successful Breastfeeding, Problems and Solutions, Weaning, Teething
  • Being a Mom: Being a Super Mom and a Working Mom
  • Raising a Child: What they need to be happy, stimuli, discipline, and daycare
  • Stages of Growth: How they are developing or should be and what to do when they are not
  • Understanding Yourself and Your Child + Development (Cognitive, Language and Speech, Social and Emotional, Motor Skills and Movement)
  • Temperament, Character, Strengths, and Weaknesses
  • When They Are Older
  • Potty Training, Tantrums, and Whining
  • Siblings: Preparing Siblings for the Arrival of a Little Brother or Sister
  • Building Bonds, Time with the Little One, the Importance of Words
  • STD Information

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Resources for pregnancy and motherhood.

Table of Contents

Pregnancy Tests

The product label advises that you can conduct the test on the first day of your period. However, experts advise waiting seven more days. This is because, if pregnant, the urine test detects the concentration of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and if done too early, it might be negative due to insufficient concentration in urine.

There are a variety of home tests available in the market. However, if conducted incorrectly or prematurely, there’s a risk of producing a false negative.Ā 

While we cannot comment on other tests, we confidently endorse our own. Therefore, we recommend that you come to Centro Tepeyac to take your test. It is a one-step, lab-quality product with high sensitivity. It provides results with a 97%-99% accuracy rate, delivering either a positive or negative outcomeĀ and weā€™ll also guide you through your options.

Undergoing ultrasound scans are essential as they reveal things not detected by pregnancy tests. Through ultrasound, the following elements can be perceived:

  • The growth and development of the baby
  • The heartbeat
  • Prediction of the baby’s due dateĀ 

Pregnancy Trimesters

Welcome to the exciting journey of the first trimester of your pregnancy, spanning from week 1 to week 13! This period is filled with significant events that mark the beginning of an incredible journey into motherhood.

Beginning of the Trimester:

In this initial chapter, the trimester begins before conception, where week 1 symbolizes the start of the menstrual cycle and ovulation typically occurs in the second week.

Conception and Confirmation:

Conception occurs at the end of week 2 or the beginning of week 3, bringing the wonder of life inside you. Confirmation comes through home tests, revealing the news around week 5.

Medical Tests and Monitoring:

Monthly visits to the doctor are exciting chapters. Tests are conducted to confirm and closely monitor the progress of the pregnancy, from blood tests to lovely ultrasounds that reveal the beauty of your little one. Each visit is a step closer to the arrival of your treasure!Ā 

Important Milestones:

This trimester is filled with extraordinary moments: from the conception to the discovery of life growing inside you.The baby’s organs begin forming before the first trimester ends.Ā 

This period is more than just a beginning; it’s the start of a unique and deep connection with the life flourishing within you. Each day is a new page of this beautiful story you are writing together!


During the first three months, you may feel exhausted, unable to get out of bed some mornings. Don’t worry, it’s completely normal; your body has begun generating a life inside you, requiring much more energy than usual. Take advantage of any moment you can to rest and maintain a gentle exercise routine like walking or swimming unless your doctor advises bed rest.

Nausea and Vomiting:

It’s the most common, with up to 70% of pregnant women experiencing these symptoms at some point during their pregnancy. In principle, they should disappear at the beginning of the second trimester. In the meantime, these changes may help you:

  • Keep some crackers by your bedside and eat them slowly while lying down. Wait about 15 minutes and then get up slowly.
  • Increase the number of meals per day, but decrease the portion sizes.
  • Avoid consuming spicy, fatty, and acidic foods.
  • It’s super important to keep drinking plenty of water. If you struggle to consume water in its normal state, a trick is to have ice cubes.

If symptoms worsen or you don’t find relief, don’t hesitate to contact your doctor. They know which medications are safe for you and your baby.

Food Cravings or Aversions:

It’s normal for tastes and preferences to change during pregnancy. Sometimes the body rejects certain foods, while other times you may crave them until you satisfy the urge. If there are foods you dislike, you don’t need to eat them. Consider supplementing nutrients with other foods or a prenatal multivitamin

You should contact your doctor if you crave non-food items like clay or sand. If this happens, call your doctor immediately. If you find yourself unable to eat anything or very little, stay calm and also speak with your doctor; they will help you.

Breast Changes:

Yes, it’s not just you; they’re really changing, and you’ll have increased sensitivity and volume. Throughout pregnancy, breasts grow, firm up, and darken in preparation for breastfeeding.Ā 

This occurs because mammary glands multiply and strengthen to facilitate the baby’s grip. Constipation and hemorrhoids may also be experienced during pregnancy.

Constipation is a common symptom of pregnancy, affecting up to 50% of women. Hormonal changes slow down food processing, causing stools to harden and block the passage. This may lead to hemorrhoids, swollen veins in the rectum.

To prevent these symptoms, it’s very important to:

  • Drink plenty of water, at least 8 glasses a day.
  • Consume lots of fiber, which you can find in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Maintain an exercise routine.


Frequent Urination:

Increased urination during pregnancy may start in the first trimester due to the hormone hCG increasing blood flow to the pelvic area and kidneys. It can also be attributed to the pelvic area preparing for childbirth and relaxing, causing leaks. This is normal. Consider scheduling activities to ensure access to bathrooms


It is a sharp, burning pain starting in the stomach and rising up the esophagus due to hormonal changes. To alleviate it, eat smaller, more frequent meals and avoid spicy, fatty, acidic, and gas-producing foods. Consult your doctor if you can’t reduce heartburn for personalized recommendations.

Emotional Changes:Ā 

Don’t be overwhelmed; it’s completely normal and is due to the hormonal changes happening in your body. From now on, you’ll experience emotions more intensely and will have sudden mood swings. You may feel fine and then suddenly feel like crying and not be able to help it.

To prevent them from worsening, it’s crucial to rest. It also helps to engage in activities that you enjoy, gentle exercise, and to take care of your diet.

If you find yourself unable to stop crying for two weeks, feeling depressed or desperate without any moments of well-being, consult your doctor.

These are the most common symptoms you may experience during the first trimester. You won’t always experience all of them, nor will you always have them with the same intensity. You may be exhausted but not have many nausea symptoms. You may also find that you have a lot of constipation for a month and then it goes away. Learn to get to know yourself and be patient with yourself; your body is working very hard to develop the baby. And remember, always consult your doctor; they will be able to help you best in all phases and stages

Welcome to the much-awaited “honeymoon phase” of your pregnancy! During this period, many enjoy a decrease in symptoms like nausea and fatigue, marking an exciting shift in your experience.

Visible Transformations:

It’s during the second trimester when you might notice visible physical transformations, like the sweet growth of your belly. It’s a magical time where your body and your baby begin to reveal the wonder of life blossoming within.

Crucial Tests:

Prenatal appointments continue monthly, ensuring constant monitoring of your and your baby’s well-being. These check-ups open the door to exciting moments as you get to see the little one growing inside you.

Unforgettable Milestones:

During this trimester full of amazing discoveries, you and your baby will reach extraordinary milestones:

  • You’ll experience a weight gain of over 2 pounds, paving the way for the baby’s growth.
  • You’ll witness your little one growing over 10 inches, marking an astonishing advancement.
  • You’ll see the development of the liver, brain, and hearing.
  • You’ll marvel at how the baby’s limbs develop proportionally, a perfectly orchestrated symphony of growth!
  • You might begin to feel the fetus’s movements, uniquely connecting with your little one.
  • You’ll have the exciting option of learning the baby’s gender.


Prepare to experience a second trimester full of emotions, discoveries, and growing love! This is an exciting chapter in your journey to motherhood!

Your body adapts to accommodate your little one and provide the necessary space for their development. Additionally, it prepares for childbirth with expected changes. Although these changes are natural, we encourage you to take even more care of yourself and take moments to rest.


You’ll experience itching in the belly due to skin stretching. Wear loose clothing made of natural fibers and use unscented lotions to keep your skin hydrated. Consider calamine lotion to relieve itching.

Stretch Marks:

Minimize stretch marks by drinking plenty of water, taking vitamins, exercising, and maintaining a healthy weight. Creams with gotu kola extract, vitamin E, and hydrolyzed collagen-elastin are allies in prevention.

“Pregnancy Mask”:

You’ll notice darker skin patches, known as the “pregnancy mask.” Protect your skin from the sun by using sunscreen and wearing a hat outdoors.

Back and Leg Pain:

Weight gain can cause discomfort in the back and legs. Rest more and apply gentle heat. A heating pad can be your ally in relieving these pains.

Breast Changes:

By the end of the trimester, your breasts will be ready for breastfeeding. Wear a maternity bra for good support and use breast pads for added comfort.

Linea Nigra:

The linea nigra, a darker vertical line on the abdomen, is normal. Keep the abdomen covered or use sunscreen if you’re exposed to the sun.

Vaginal Discharge:

If you notice a white, milky discharge, avoid douching and tampons, but use panty liners.

Hemorrhoids and Varicose Veins:

To prevent varicose veins, sit with your legs elevated and avoid tight stockings. Stay hydrated and have a fiber-rich diet to control hemorrhoids.

Swollen Tissues:

If the tissues in your hands swell, take frequent breaks from working on your computer or typing on your mobile to relieve numbness or tingling.

Dental Changes:

Hormones can affect the gums; maintain good oral hygiene and schedule dental check-ups.


Rest more, follow a healthy diet, engage in low-impact exercises (with medical approval), and seek support from your partner, friends, or family.

During the wonderful journey of pregnancy, it’s essential to pay attention to the signals your body sends you and take steps to ensure your well-being and that of your baby. Here, we provide crucial information on when to contact your medical professional and remind you of some basic tips for a healthy pregnancy. Keep reading for important information that will help you take care of yourself and your little treasure!

When to Contact a Medical Professional:

If you experience persistent depression or thoughts of harming yourself, contact your doctor immediately. Additionally, contact your doctor if you notice:

  • Vaginal bleeding.
  • Sudden swelling in the face, hands, or fingers, or sudden weight gain.
  • Severe headaches.
  • Painful cramps in the belly or abdomen.
  • Fever and chills.
  • Frequent vomiting or nausea.
  • Burning when urinating.
  • Dizziness or blurred vision.

Facilitate your pregnancy and current and future well-being by following these tips:

  • Maintain a nutritious diet.
  • Engage in 2.5 hours of gentle exercise per week, such as walking, swimming, or stretching.
  • Eliminate things like smoking, consuming illicit drugs, and alcohol.
  • Limit caffeine and avoid energy drinks.

In the coming weeks, many of these changes are normal, but if you ever feel worried, don’t hesitate to contact your doctor for guidance and reassurance. We are here to support you every step of the way on this wonderful journey to motherhood. This is a unique and beautiful time in your life. Rest, take care of yourself, and seek support when you need it.

You’re entering the final phase of this exciting journey! From week 27 until birth, your body undergoes incredible adjustments to accommodate your baby’s growth and prepare for childbirth. As you eagerly await meeting your precious baby, you’re aware that patience is key during this final phase. Although your due date is set at 40 weeks, your little one’s arrival could happen a little earlier or later. Your healthcare provider will closely monitor the progression of your pregnancy, addressing any complications that may arise, such as preeclampsia or surpassing your estimated due date.

Prenatal Check-ups:

Your healthcare provider will perform essential tests to ensure the well-being of both you and your baby. These may include a biophysical profile (an ultrasound to assess amniotic fluid levels and fetal well-being), a group B streptococcus test, and for high-risk pregnancies, a non-stress test tailored to conditions like gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, or multiple gestation.


As you approach the culmination of this journey, your baby continues their crucial development for a smooth transition into the world. Milestones may include lung maturation, opening their eyes, moving into the head-down position in preparation for birth, nail growth, and perhaps, a joyful baby shower to celebrate the upcoming arrival.

In these final weeks, enjoy the anticipation and feel reassured knowing that your body and your baby are preparing for the beautiful journey ahead.

While it’s amazing to see your belly stretch, it’s natural to feel some discomfort. Here’s information on what you may experience and when it’s crucial to contact your doctor.

Physical Changes and Discomforts:

With your baby constantly growing, you may experience fatigue, insomnia, shortness of breath, heartburn, frequent urination, swelling, hemorrhoids, stretch marks, dry skin, breast tenderness, leg cramps, changes in the belly button, baby dropping, mild contractions, and numerous changing emotions. These symptoms are common, and many can be relieved with rest, a healthy diet, prenatal vitamins, and self-care. For others, you need to know more about labor signs and more.

Practical Tips:

Avoid spicy foods for heartburn, consume fiber and water to prevent constipation and hemorrhoids. Rest with your feet elevated to combat swelling and watch for signs of labor.

When to Call Your Doctor:

It’s essential to contact your healthcare provider immediately if you experience sudden swelling in the face or extremities, severe headaches, fever, discomfort when urinating, dizziness, decreased baby movements, vaginal bleeding, signs of labor, or concerning thoughts.

The final stretch of pregnancy is exciting but requires careful preparation. Here’s essential information to help you navigate this period with confidence and tranquility.

Preparing for Childbirth:

Get ready for the big day by organizing assistance. Allow friends and family to help with meals, household chores, and any other needs. Make arrangements in advance for someone to take you to the hospital if you live alone. Consider having someone with you after childbirth to help, even if it’s just to care for the baby while you rest and recover.

Kick Counting:

Starting from week 32, your provider will ask you to begin counting the baby’s daily kicks. Set a daily schedule to observe their active movements. Ideally, you should feel at least ten kicks within a two-hour period. If something seems amiss or if you notice a decrease in baby activity, immediately inform your healthcare provider.

Signs of Labor:

Learning to recognize signs of labor is essential. Avoid triggering foods, maintain good hydration, rest with your feet elevated, and become familiar with Braxton Hicks contractions to prepare for labor.

Know the signs that labor is near, such as the expulsion of the mucus plug and cervical effacement. Communicate any changes to your provider and head to the hospital if you experience water leakage, excessive bleeding, decreased baby movement, or regular and painful contractions.

Braxton Hicks Contractions:

These contractions can be triggered by activity, touching the belly, a full bladder, or dehydration. As you approach 36 weeks, it’s normal to experience stronger but irregular contractions. They typically subside with changes in position, hydration, or warm baths. Monitor their frequency and duration; more than four per hour before 36 weeks is cause for concern.


From early contractions to the pushing stage, it’s crucial to monitor your contractions and communicate with medical staff. Keep a record of contractions and use an app on your phone to make it easier. The active phase of labor is more uncomfortable, with longer and regular contractions. The transition phase is the most challenging in terms of pain, but you’ll soon feel the urge to push. Alert medical staff when this happens.

Preparing for the Baby:

Anticipate your baby’s arrival by ensuring you have everything you need. Prepare a crib or bassinet in advance. The American Academy of Pediatrics advises against co-sleeping, so consider room-sharing with your child for added safety. Install the car seat ahead of time, following safety regulations. Pack a bag with essentials like diapers, wipes, extra clothes, pacifiers, and powdered or liquid formula if you’re not breastfeeding.

Likewise, start nesting and acquire the following essential items for your baby in advance:

  • Baby thermometer.
  • Fitted sheets and waterproof protectors for crib or bassinet.
  • Swaddling blankets for the newborn.
  • Larger blankets for use outside the crib.
  • Sufficient diapers.
  • Wet wipes.
  • Appropriate clothing for the weather.
  • Footed sleepers.
  • Baby shampoo and soap, along with a hooded towel for bathing.
  • Nail clippers.
  • Nasal aspirator or mucus extractor.
  • Baby Bottles.

By following these tips and being well-prepared, you’ll be able to face the end of pregnancy and childbirth with confidence and security. Remember to communicate with your provider if you have any doubts or changes in your health!

Your Routine & Health

Explore how your routine transforms in this incredible journey of motherhood. Discover the changes and essential adaptations to live a pregnancy with fewer risks.

Prenatal Care:

Start your journey to motherhood by calling your doctor for proper prenatal care and continuous monitoring of your pregnancy.

Folic Acid:

Consider consuming 600 mcg of folic acid daily to prevent possible defects in the baby’s development.

Healthy Habits:

Stop consuming alcohol, illegal drugs, and cigarettes, as they can be harmful to your baby. Consult your doctor before taking any medication or herbal remedies.

Beware of Toxoplasmosis:

Avoid cleaning your cat’s litter box, and let someone else do it, to prevent toxoplasmosis. Also, be cautious with raw meat, as it could contain the same parasite that can cause brain damage to your baby and other defects.Ā 

Safe Eating:

Be careful with raw fish and avoid those with high levels of mercury (swordfish, shark, mackerel, and tilefish). Always consult your doctor if in doubt.

X-Rays and Lifting Weights:

Inform your doctor if you are pregnant before undergoing X-rays. Avoid lifting heavy objects and adopt safe postures. When you have to lift something, make sure to bend your knees and not your back.

Moderate Exercise:

Adapt your exercise routine, avoiding activities involving the abdomen and opting to gently strengthen legs and arms. Do not do hot yoga or frequent hot tubs as it could dehydrate you. Do not engage in sports that put you at risk of slipping and falling.

Personal Care:

Be cautious when dyeing your hair; experts are not sure how it affects the baby, but they know that the chemicals in the dye are absorbed through the scalp and passed into the blood. It is recommended to do it from the second trimester. Use household cleaners in well-ventilated areas and prefer non-toxic products.

Home Care:Ā 

It is advisable to use household cleaners, especially those that emit gases, in well-ventilated areas. It is suggested to adapt cleaning to use non-toxic products such as white vinegar, baking soda, borax, and dust-treated cloths.

Avoid Exposure to Toxic Substances:

Limit exposure to lead, especially in older environments. Lead, found in some environments, can be harmful to the fetus. In older homes, where pipes may contain lead, it is recommended to drink bottled water or let the water run for 5 minutes before consuming it. Avoid exposure to chipped paint, brightly colored brochures, magazines, and metallic inks on gift wrap, as they may contain high levels of lead. It is also advised to limit handling of foreign ceramic for food or beverages and avoid drinking from lead crystal glasses.

Avoid chipped paint, lead products, insecticides, and pesticides. Latex or water-based paints are safer than oil-based paints.

Remember, these tips are general; your doctor will customize care according to your needs. Your well-being is our priority. Enjoy this beautiful journey to motherhood!

Why is it important to visit the doctor?

It is important to attend the doctor when you are pregnant to receive necessary prenatal care. These medical appointments help prevent potential complications and, if they already exist, to treat them as much as possible. Additionally, it is important that prenatal care does not end, but rather, visits recommended by the doctor should be scheduled. The frequency of visits generally follows this schedule:

  • Approximately once a month from week 4 to week 28.
  • Twice a month from week 28 to week 36.
  • Weekly from week 36 until delivery.


What to expect from them?

What to expect from your prenatal visits includes urine and blood tests, as well as an assessment of your body’s progress. All of these are focused on monitoring your health and that of the baby. Complications, infections, or nutrient deficiencies may arise during pregnancy. In each visit, you can ask your doctor any questions you may have; they will help address your doubts and concerns and adjust your lifestyle to changing needs.

Additionally, certain appointments include additional tests. These include:

  • First visit: Confirmation of pregnancy through urine or blood tests, questionnaire about your past and present health (medical history), pap smear test.
  • Third month: Listening to the baby’s heartbeat for the first time.
  • Fourth month: Ultrasound (measurement of baby size, uterus, and amniotic fluid). Screening for possible genetic defects.
  • Sixth month: Glucose tolerance test.


Keep in mind that depending on the progress of your pregnancy and your medical insurance coverage, your doctor will create a personalized appointment plan and outline what will be done at each visit. And don’t forget, you can ask any questions you have, from “I don’t know how to sleep” to “how is a baby delivered.”

These pregnancy myths…

Unraveling the true meaning of “eating for two” is quite an emotional journey that involves debunking some common myths!Ā 

  • Myth 1 – We’re two, so double the portion:

Eating for two doesn’t mean filling your plate as if you were two adults! Although your little one is growing and has nutritional demands, they don’t need the same amount of calories as you. It’s an exciting reminder that, although you share space, each has their own needs.

  • Myth 2 – Baby’s dessert craving:

The idea of dessert may be tempting, but beware of sugar during pregnancy! Too much sweetness could open the door to gestational diabetes or rapid weight gain. Both you and your baby deserve healthy and balanced treats for an exciting journey to motherhood.

  • Myth 3 – More food, less tiredness:

Pregnancy is quite an exciting challenge! During the first trimester, you don’t need extra calories, and in the second, only about 340 more per day. By the third trimester, with about 450 extra calories, you can tackle exhaustion. Remember, the quality of what you eat is key to nourishing both your baby and your spirit! This exciting journey is about to take an incredible turn!

The thrilling truth about eating for two!Ā 


It’s about choosing the right foods in the perfect amounts to ensure optimal health for both you and your little treasure. If you start your pregnancy at a normal weight, you only need to gain 25 to 35 pounds throughout this incredible journey. Your weight should increase gradually: zero to five pounds in the first trimester and then, half to one pound per week in the second and third trimesters.

Enjoy each bite mindfully to ensure a healthy and happy pregnancy. Avoiding excess in eating not only helps you stay fit but also reduces unnecessary risks like gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, and potential complications associated with a larger baby. Mind what you put on your plate and embark on a pregnancy journey full of well-being!

But that’s not all, there are small adjustments you can make to ensure a hassle-free journey. Say goodbye to less healthy temptations like sweets, chips, and sugary drinks. Maintain a balance with caffeine, avoid it in the first trimester to reduce the risk of miscarriage, and limit yourself to two cups from the second trimester onwards. This way, you can enjoy a complication-free pregnancy journey.

And now, the main course: avoid the raw and not-so-safe! From raw meats to seafood, raw eggs, and sushi, keep it off the menu to ensure maximum safety for both you and your little explorer. And those unusual cravings during pregnancy? Don’t ignore them if they’re things that cannot be eaten like bricks or sand. Talk to your provider to keep safety at the forefront.

So, enjoy a healthy diet for an exciting and worry-free pregnancy! You and your baby deserve the best on this unique and wonderful journey!

And what are 340 or 450 extra calories?Ā 

Get ready to delight your senses with these irresistible snacks that will make your second and third trimesters of pregnancy even tastier and healthier! Remember, calories are added to a healthy diet. If you are an active woman, your daily intake should be 1800ā€“2400 calories, if, on the other hand, you prefer the house, quiet life, and sitting down to talk, your calorie intake should decrease to 1600ā€“2000.Ā 

Snacks for the second trimester! The total for each of the proposals is 340 calories:

  • Exquisite Fruits
    • 6 juicy strawberries
    • 1 ripe banana
    • A tropical touch with a fresh mango
  • Balance and Flavor
    • 2 fresh strawberries
    • Fat-free Greek yogurt with a tablespoon of honey, a heavenly combination!
    • A slice of white bread with a slice of cheddar cheese and ham, a burst of flavors!
  • Guacamole and More
    • Dip into a tablespoon of guacamole and 10 wheat chips
    • Pair with a slice of white bread, cheddar cheese, and ham
    • A strawberry to balance the mix
  • Crunchy and Sweet
    • 10 crunchy chips with a slice of cheddar cheese
    • 1 ripe banana
    • 2 fresh strawberries


Snacks for the third trimester! The total for each of the proposals is 450 calories:

  • Dive into Fruitful Pleasure
    • Enjoy 6 fresh strawberries
    • 2 bananas, the perfect dose of energy
    • One mango, feel its sweetnessā€¦
  • Complete Delight
    • 4 strawberries, the refreshing touch
    • Fat-free Greek yogurt with honey to sweeten your day
    • White bread with cheddar cheese and ham, an extra delicacy!
    • An extra of one more slice of cheddar cheese and ham
  • Upgrade of Pleasure
    • Keep enjoying the guacamole and 10 wheat chips!
    • Perfect match with white bread, cheddar cheese, and ham
    • 2 juicy strawberries and 1 banana, the ideal combination!
  • Sweet and Salty in Harmony
    • Keep the crunch with 10 chips and a slice of cheddar cheese!
    • Fat-free Greek yogurt with honey to sweeten the experience
    • Pair with 2 Maria cookies, the perfect topping for your day!


Discover the pleasure of taking care of yourself with these delicious snacks that make every bite count in this beautiful stage of your life!

During these nine months, you’re experiencing remarkable transformations as a new life grows and develops within you. This little person has a powerful impact on every aspect of your being: from the chemistry of your body to your physical and emotional well-being.

Why do I have these sudden emotions?

The sudden emotions you experience during pregnancy have a fascinating explanation: the chemistry behind them! It all comes down to hormones, those powerful substances that play specific roles in our bodies. During the first and third trimesters, they reach elevated levels, causing whirlwinds of emotions and influencing the moods regulated by your brain. But don’t worry! This is completely normal and will balance out over time.

Hormones are powerful substances. We’re not usually aware, but they regulate multiple functions, from metabolism to the immune system.

Furthermore, there is research revealing that your environment, diet, sleep patterns, and even exercise affect your hormones! All of this directly influences your mood.

Do my personal circumstances and personality affect this?

Your personal circumstances are like unique chapters in the story of your pregnancy, creating a unique and valuable narrative. Hormonal changes, sometimes accompanied by physical discomfort, can intensify your emotions and mood swings. The physical challenges present in your life also influence how you feel during this special period.

Your pregnancy is a journey full of discoveries, whether you’re experiencing pure joy or facing uncertainties and fears. This transformative event affects life in surprising ways. Regardless of whether this is your first child or if you’re already a mother of several, an undeniable truth is that you feel everything with astonishing depth and intensity.

Additionally, your temperament, that wonderful combination of character, perspective, and tendencies, plays a crucial role. Remember that part of your temperament is determined by your genes, but upbringing also influences how you respond to situations. Reflect on your own temperament and create strategies to help you navigate this journey as best as possible.

And if you find yourself traversing this beautiful yet challenging path alone, I want you to know that you’re not truly alone. There are resources, support, and professionals willing to accompany youā€”you can count on the Tepeyac Center as your second home! Don’t hesitate to seek help and share your emotions. You and your baby deserve all the love and support in the world!

Why can’t I stop crying? Is this normal? What should I do?

If you find yourself crying incessantly and wondering why, let me tell you that you’re not alone in this, and it’s completely normal to experience a range of emotions during pregnancy. However, when the tears seem endless, it might be helpful to explore further.

Depression is a not-so-uncommon companion during pregnancy, affecting up to twenty-three percent of women. Don’t feel ashamed; depression is an illness that deserves attention and medical treatment. Many women attribute the symptoms to hormones, but it’s essential to recognize the importance of seeking help.

Here are some tips for coping with those intense and confusing emotions. First and foremost, allow yourself to feel and express your emotions without guilt. Talk to the people in your life, let them understand what you’re experiencing. Getting enough rest, setting aside time for fun, consuming healthy foods, and exercising can also make a difference.

Seeking help, especially professional help, is a brave decision. If you find that your tears persist and the pleasurable moments fade, talking to your doctor is crucial. Pregnancy is an intense spiritual and emotional journey, and you deserve the necessary support to navigate it as best as possible. Remember that you’re not alone and that help is available for you.

A window into your baby's home

One might think that their baby is solely dedicated to floating, swimming, sleeping, and kicking. These are the few activities we can appreciate from the outside, but it’s like looking through the window and seeing the neighbor across the street taking out the trash, buying groceries, and driving a car. If we were to decide that the neighbor’s life is only that, we wouldn’t know even half of half of their daily life and activity.

The same goes for the baby. We can observe a series of movements or a state of tranquility, but nothing more. But who said the baby only does that? Don’t you think a baby can play inside their little house? And wouldn’t it be fascinating if the little one could taste that delicious cake you had in the morning? These wonderful doubts and more have finally been answered; science has tools like ultrasound and fiber optics that allow us to peek into that home inside of you.

Contrary to popular belief, the uterus is not a silent place. When the baby is awake, they immerse themselves in a constant symphony of sounds. Close your eyes and imagine yourself inside a little house listening to the constant beating of your heart; the murmur of blood through the placenta; the sound of your lungs filling with air; the noises of your digestion; the sweet whisper of your voice; and, occasionally, the calm is broken by closing the car door. Isn’t it wonderful? One never puts themselves in the position of what their little baby might be hearing! And, by doing so, we discover that they live in a constant and beautiful lullaby.Ā 

Delve into the wonderful world your baby experiences from the maternal womb. From the first weeks of gestation, our little explorer immerses themselves in a universe of evolving sounds. Have you ever reflected on the baby’s ability to capture some of these sounds from 15 weeks gestation?

It is truly surprising to discover how their sense of hearing matures between weeks 32 and 35, just in the last months before their grand entrance into the world. Can you imagine the significance of voices coming from outside the uterus? These voices, coming from us and those around us, strengthen the bond between the growing little one and the world that awaits them after birth.

And what about the maternal voice? It’s simply magical how that constant and clear voice becomes a comforting refuge for the baby. Although they don’t yet understand the words, our baby already recognizes and becomes familiar with that unique sound that comes directly through our body. Isn’t it amazing how, without understanding a single word, they already know our voice?

During this journey in the womb, our little one not only listens but also remembers. Yes, it’s true! They can even remember the music they hear daily! Just like us, they develop musical preferences, showing emotional responses to different rhythms and melodies they hear.

It’s truly inspiring to think how music becomes such a significant part of their life, weaving an emotional connection between the baby and their sonic environment with delicacy and joy.

And have you wondered what else our baby can perceive and how they react to sounds? The answer is clear: they not only listen but also actively participate in their sonic world! Exposure to conversations and music, along with the ability to distinguish between different voices and prefer certain sounds, contributes to the fascinating development of their sense of hearing and the weaving of emotional connections that will endure beyond the magical moment of birth.

Imagine for a moment what your baby’s day-to-day life might be like inside your womb. Did you know that even before birth, the baby can be actively exploring their environment? Ultrasound studies have shown us that these little beings spend a lot of time engaging in surprising activities, like playing with their umbilical cord, squeezing and pulling it, they love it. It’s as if they are discovering the wonders of their own body from a very early stage.

But that’s not all, they also have their own rhythms of sleep, wakefulness, and play! Just like us, they experiment with different patterns and moments of activity. And when the baby seeks comfort and calm, what do they do? They suck their thumbs! This sucking reflex is one of the most important tools they develop even before birth. Although they don’t need food in the womb, their instinct to suck is present and helps them explore their own body and find comfort in such a confined space.

Sucking their thumb not only prepares the baby for breastfeeding but also allows them to discover new sensations, like the texture of their skin and the size of their thumb. It’s fascinating to think about how they are constantly learning and exploring, even before coming into the world. Who would have thought that intrauterine life could be so active and full of discoveries?

Is it true that your baby can taste what you eat? The answer is surprisingly affirmative. During their stay in the womb, your baby experiments with the flavors of the foods you consume, a fascinating reality that you may not have considered before. Have you stopped to think about how their mouth fills with amniotic fluid and how it can vary according to your diet?

Studies reveal that unborn babies show a preference for sweet flavors, leading us to reflect on the sensory experience they are living inside the womb. Can you imagine what it’s like for them to explore these flavors even before birth? It’s as if they are starting their culinary adventure before giving their first cry at birth.

So, if you regularly consume certain foods, your baby becomes familiar with those flavors through amniotic fluid. This process of early exposure can prepare them to appreciate the taste of breast milk once they enter the outside world. It’s amazing to think about how your diet influences your baby’s first taste experiences, shaping their sensory perception from the womb.

In this journey of discovery, we encounter a charming mystery: what other secrets await inside the maternal womb? Intrauterine life is more complex and rich than we imagine, and every little detail, like the flavors they perceive, contributes to their enigmatic and wonderful development.

Did you know that when you’re arguing or feeling frustrated by traffic, your baby feels it too? Their excitement increases upon hearing your raised voice, your angry tone, your agitation. You may notice that their own heartbeat speeds up and that they kick more. Even intense stress can affect their sleep patterns.

But what if you balance those stressful moments with more positive feelings? Not only would you take care of your well-being, but you would also be teaching your baby about how to manage emotions, something invaluable for the development of their future life.

It’s truly amazing to think about how your emotions and moods can influence the well-being of your little one, even before their birth. Don’t you think the baby could be experiencing a much richer and more active intrauterine life than we imagine? Life inside the womb is a captivating mystery that deserves to be explored with an open and reflective mind.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find some quick answers about pregnancy. We recommend that if you have any concerns you contact your doctor immediately.

  • Missed period
  • Increased breast sensitivity
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Yes, it is normal to feel cramps similar to menstrual cramps during pregnancy. These can be caused by several reasons:

    • Embryo implantation: Around 6 to 12 days after fertilization.
    • Uterine growth: As the pregnancy progresses.
    • Braxton-Hicks contractions: sometimes felt like menstrual cramps and occur towards the end of pregnancy.
  • Intense cramps can occur, in which case you should consult your doctor immediately, especially if they are accompanied by vaginal bleeding or fever. These can occur for the following reasons:Ā 

    • Ectopic pregnancy
    • Ovarian or placental detachment
    • Miscarriage

Before following implantation bleeding is spotting. Also, consider the following factors and when in doubt, consult your doctor:

  • Time:Ā 

Implantation spotting: between 6 and 12 days after conception

Bleeding: any time during pregnancy

  • Amount of bleeding:Ā 

Implantation spotting: light, usually seen when wiping, does not usually require a pad

Bleeding: requires a pad, sometimes more than one per hour

  • Duration:Ā 

Implantation spotting: usually lasts no more than 24 to 48 hours, although it varies from person to person

Bleeding: lasts longer

  • Color:Ā 

Implantation spotting: can be dark brown, brown, black, pink, or red.

Bleeding: like during a period

  • Accompanying symptoms:Ā 

Implantation spotting: accompanied by mild cramps.

Bleeding: Severe pain, fever, dizziness, or weakness

  • Keep crackers by your bedside and eat them slowly while lying down. Wait 15 minutes or so and then get up slowly.
  • Increase the number of meals per day but decrease the amounts.
  • Avoid consuming spicy, greasy, and acidic foods.
  • It is super important to keep drinking plenty of water; if you find it difficult to consume water in its normal state, a trick is to suck on ice cubes.

Rest more and apply gentle heat. A heating pad can be your ally in relieving these pains.

From week 15, you may notice “butterflies” or “bubbles,” and between week 18 and 22, you will notice the first kicks.

As soon as you know you are pregnant, call your provider to prepare a prenatal care plan for you and your baby. As a general rule, you will need to attend your clinic once a month to monitor your pregnancy.Ā 

  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Painful cramps in the belly or abdomen
  • Fever and chills
  • Frequent vomiting or nausea
  • Burning sensation when urinating
  • Not feeling the baby

If you have a normal weight, you should only gain between 25 and 35 pounds.

Yes, you must stop having alcohol, should avoid caffeine in the first trimester and limit it from the second trimester onwards. You should also avoid raw meats and fish.Ā 

A folic acid supplement is necessary. You can introduce a prenatal vitamin supplement that contains all the supplements your baby needs.Ā 

No, you should only add 340 calories in the second trimester and 450 in the third trimester.

Yes, as long as you reduce your physical activity and avoid sudden movements, jumps, crunches, and sports that put you at risk of falling. Walking, swimming, yoga, and pilates are recommended.Ā 

It is considered safe up to week 36. Some airlines may not allow it after that week.

Remember that when traveling, you should find time to stretch your legs and walk, if possible; drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration; carry medical information with you so that you can be attended to if necessary.

Yes, it is safe to have sex during pregnancy as the baby is protected by amniotic fluid and the placenta. You should only abstain if the doctor indicates it, usually due to a high-risk pregnancy.Ā 

Schedule an appointment with us today!

The Menstrual Cycle

The menstrual cycle is like your body’s natural rhythm, something all women experience at some point between the ages of 12 and 51, give or take. It all starts when you have your period, that first day of menstruation.

Then, during this cycle, your body goes into full preparation mode just in case an exciting pregnancy comes along. The first half, called the follicular phase, is like the warm-up. An egg in one of your ovaries starts maturing, while your uterus gets all spruced up, thickening, ready to welcome a fertilized egg.

By the middle of the cycle, bam! Ovulation. It’s when your ovary releases the mature egg, which is ready to be found by a sperm over the next 24 hours. Then, the egg takes its journey through the fallopian tubes until it reaches the uterus.

If fertilization doesn’t occur, menstruation kicks in! And so, the cycle begins again. But if the egg meets a sperm and they succeed, the egg implants in the uterus, and pregnancy begins.

In summary, the menstrual cycle is like your body’s monthly choreography, all designed for the possibility of pregnancy, and it repeats every 28 days or so. It’s quite an incredible dance!

Week 1 and 2

The size of the embryo is less than a millimeter

Hello to the first two weeks of this incredible journey called pregnancy!Ā 

  • Week 1: Technically, you’re not in pregnancy mode yet, but we’re celebrating the beginning of this amazing journey from the first day of your last period! It’s counted this way to estimate when the big day of delivery might be and calculate how many weeks you are when you take that exciting pregnancy test.
  • Week 2: Here we are still without the official confirmation of pregnancy, but your eggs are maturing, and your uterus is getting all fixed up as the perfect place to welcome a future embryo. This moment is crucial for taking care of yourself and adopting positive habits. By the end of this week or the beginning of the third, the egg will be ready to be released, and voilĆ ! There begins the pregnancy. It’s the start of the beautiful life forming inside you.


Remember, every woman experiences these stages in her own unique way. So enjoy this journey filled with love and hope!

Week 3

The size of the baby is less than a millimeter

Hold on tight because things are starting to get exciting! This week, the budding baby is smaller than a millimeter, yes, that tiny!

If the egg has been fertilized by a sperm, it forms like a shield to make sure there are no more infiltrators. Now, the egg is like a little treasure trove with genetic information from both parents, rapidly dividing and reaching the blastocyst stage. Despite its microscopic size, it already has everything it needs to grow and thrive.

After spending five days navigating, the egg finally reaches its destination in the uterus, where the environment is perfect for its development! This marks the official start of pregnancy. The protective layer is removed, making way for the hormone progesterone, which thickens the uterine lining and ensures the egg stays nice and snug.

Once implantation takes place, the pregnancy is confirmed 21 days after ovulation, right at the end of the 5th week! It’s time to embrace all those exciting moments of growth and development of the future baby. Here we go!

Week 4

The size of the baby is less than a crumb

Although not visible to the naked eye yet, something amazing is happening inside of you! During this week, the developing baby is smaller than a crumbā€”yes, so tiny that it resembles a black dot under the microscope!

After the fertilized egg has found its cozy home in the uterine lining, a parade of exciting changes begins. Your body gears up and starts releasing HCG, also known as the hormone of big news (GCH). This hormone is like the star of the show in pregnancy tests, although at this moment, it’s not making its entrance in sufficient amounts to shout from the rooftops that you’re pregnant.

It’s like the prelude to a grand event! While you can’t confirm the pregnancy with a test yet, the curtain is rising to reveal the first notes of this wonderful symphony called pregnancy. Get ready for what’s coming in the next few weeks!

Week 5

The size of the baby is 0.05 inches, as thick as a CD

Imagine the thickness of a CD, because that’s roughly the size of the little treasure growing inside of you! Although it’s still too early for an external ultrasound, vaginal ultrasound can take a peek at the cozy amniotic cavity that’s hosting your baby. It’s like a little secret corner where the magic of development begins!

At this stage, the egg, which has undergone several divisions, takes on an elongated “string” shape. Though it doesn’t yet resemble a human, it already has everything it needs to become a unique and special person! The fifth week marks the beginning of something great: the formation of the brain and the development of nerves. It’s like the boot-up phase of this incredible adventure of growth!

You’re at the start of an amazing journey! Enjoy every moment of this exciting chapter in creating life. Get ready for more surprises in the weeks to come!

Week 6

The size of the baby is 0.13 inches, as thick as an audio connector on Apple headphones.

Incredible, isn’t it? Now, your baby, the size of the thickness of the audio connector of Apple headphones, is taking center stage. In the ultrasound, it looks like a tiny bump in the amniotic sac, and its heart is beating at an impressive rate! Additionally, you can already distinguish fundamental parts, such as the back, the developing spinal cord, and even the first signs of its little legs. It’s amazing how everything is starting to take shape!

This phase is exciting, and if you’re expecting twins, the doctor might detect two soft heartbeats. Two little heartbeats that mark the beginning of a unique story. Your baby’s head is a key point because it houses the brain, the master that will guide its growth in the future. It’s a delicate stage, so taking care of yourself is more important than ever.

To ensure your little one gets everything it needs, here’s where the wonderful placenta and umbilical cord come into play! The umbilical cord, which will be like its supply line, is taking shape in the area where its belly button will be after birth. It’s like a magical bond that connects both of you from the very beginning!

Keep taking care of yourself and enjoy every moment of this extraordinary journey. You’re building a little miracle!Ā 

Week 7

The size of the baby is 0.5 inches, size of a coffee bean

In the seventh week, your little one measures just about 5 millimeters, like a mini pea! It’s there, snugly nestled in your uterus, although it’s still tiny compared to the available space. Imagine its movements as little flutters, although a bit uncoordinated for now! But don’t worry, that improves with time!

Your baby’s heart beats fast and strong, about 150 beats per minute! It’s quite an effort to keep everything working in its tiny body! Oh, and if you’re expecting twins, you might see two little heartbeats, although they’re not very distinguishable at this point.

Its arms, hands, and legs are taking shape, tiny protrusions that will become its little fingers! That tail you see will also disappear as its legs and back develop. The head, which seems large at this stage, is already starting to form the face with little dots for eyes, a tiny mouth, and developing nostrils.

And the placenta, that incredible organ that nourishes it! By the seventh week, it’s halfway to its final size, making sure to provide your baby with the oxygen and nutrients it needs! How wonderful! And by week 14, it will take its final shape, size, and weight. Exciting, isn’t it?

Week 8

The size of the baby is 0.63 inches, nearly the diameter of a dime

Incredibly exciting to reach the eighth week! At this stage, your little embryoā€™s size is Approximately the diameter of a dime. Its limbs are developing rapidly, and its little hands and feet still look like they’re made of candy. In this week, your baby starts to lift its head and stretch, marking the first noticeable movementsā€”a growing treasure!

In the ultrasound, you may see a membrane between its fingers and toes, resembling that of frogs. Although it will disappear soon, it allows it to move its fingers freely! Additionally, a little fold above its eyes is visible, which will eventually become eyelids. Its internal organs are also taking shape, with the stomach and kidneys leading the way. The brain, now visible as a sort of “bubble bag,” is getting ready for continuous development in the coming weeks. Its heart beats fast, twice as much as an adult’s, pumping that oxygen-rich blood that’s essential for the healthy growth and development of all its organs.

In this phase, your baby takes an important step: from embryo to fetus. The wonderful placenta ensures it receives the necessary oxygen to thrive. What an amazing journey you’re experiencing!

Week 9

The size of the baby is 0.9 inches, the size of a paper clip

Congratulations on reaching the ninth week! Your little baby is now as big as a paper clip. Although it will continue to grow rapidly, it still has plenty of space in your uterus to practice and perfect its movements.

After the crucial embryonic period, your baby enters a less vulnerable stage. At 9 weeks, all its vital organs are functioning, and it’s the perfect time for the first ultrasound. This not only confirms the pregnancy and checks for a healthy heartbeat but also reveals whether you’re expecting one or two little ones.

Your baby’s internal organs are starting to work, although they’re not fully operational. The key development this week is the formation of nerve tracts. Your baby can now perceive stimuli and respond to them!

Its appearance becomes more human-like: head upright, more coordinated movements, and limbs in action. Fingers, wrists, and feet are taking shape, while the membrane between its toes disappears. The tail gives way to the spinal cord and flexible vertebrae that will allow those adorable movements and flexes when it’s born.

To protect its growing brain, the skull begins to form, and other bones are also developing, although they remain soft. Brain development accelerates, forming crucial regions that will control organ systems and hormone levels. The stimuli it feels contribute to this brain growth, preparing it to face the world in the years to come!

Remember, its brain will continue to develop for years, making it stronger and wiser every day!

Week 10

The size of the baby is 1.22 inches, the size of liquid brush tip correction fluid

Incredible, you’ve reached the tenth week! At this point, your baby resembles a liquid brush tip correction fluid. Through the magic of ultrasound, you can already see your little one moving. The image will reveal a head that is still a bit large compared to the rest of its body. In these 10 weeks, your baby will continue to lift its head, stretch, and make its first movements, although they still lack coordination.

Wrists and fingers are taking shape at the ends of its tiny arms, and the membrane between its fingers has disappeared. Its thumb and index finger even start to separate! This period is crucial as it prepares to suck its thumb, a natural and vital instinct. The heart beats strongly, it can even be detected with a fetal monitor! And if you’re expecting twins, you can hear two lively heartbeats!

Your baby is no longer as vulnerable to external influences and deformities, as most risks decrease after the tenth week. This includes a lower risk of miscarriage, although we still need to take care.

Around the tenth week, all internal organs are in place, and your baby transitions from embryo to fetus. Its brain continues to develop and is now creating complex nerve tracts to interact with the surrounding world!

Hearing is also underway, with the formation of the external structure of the ear. Your baby begins to perceive sounds and respond to them! With all its vital organs in place, your little one is now officially a “fetus.” What an exciting moment in your journey to motherhood!

Week 11

The size of the baby is 1.61 inches, with a thickness of a staple

How exciting to reach week 11! At this point, your little treasure is as big as the thickness of a stapler! It’s clearly visible; this is the intensive growth phase, and your baby is about to have a growth spurt in the next three weeks!

In week 11, your baby’s organs begin to perform more complex functions. Its reproductive organs make their entrance, and although it will take some time to know if it’s a boy or a girl, it’s becoming clearer.

The membrane between its fingers has completely disappeared; now they can play and suck their thumb! Also, they begin to develop more human-like features: the ears, which were higher before, are now finding their place.

Cells are working hard to form layers in its skin, making it less translucent. The process is underway! Starting from week 13, it will develop lanugo, a fine hair that will cover it almost completely and protect it along with a substance called vernix caseosa. These two become skin heroes, acting as thermal insulators, protecting against noises and vibrations, and keeping its delicate skin safe from the amniotic fluid.

This is an incredible journey, and your baby is growing and developing by leaps and bounds! Keep enjoying every moment!

Week 12

The size of the baby is 2.13 inches, the size of the base of a disposable plastic cup

Congratulations on reaching week 12, an exciting time for you and your little one! At this moment, it’s already as big as the base of a disposable plastic cup! Although every baby has its own pace of development, this little one is constantly moving, making it difficult to measure accurately!

From week 12 onwards, your baby will grow rapidly. Now that they are getting bigger, their vital organs start to function; their stomach can already ingest substances! Imagine, your baby is practicing breathing and training to eat! Although initially, they may spit out the amniotic fluid, it’s part of the learning process!

You’ll notice your little one very active, doing all sorts of gymnastics! Also, at this stage, they can react to stimuli since their nervous system and brain are developing rapidly. You might soon notice the slight movement of their eyelids in an ultrasound!

Week 13

The size of the baby is 2.91 inches, the base of an apple squeeze

Incredible, you’re already in week 13! At this point, your little one has grown as big as the base of an apple squeez. This week brings an exciting growth spurt for your baby. As it gets bigger, different parts of its body are proportioning, and more recognizable features of a newborn begin to appear. Its face is taking shape, reflecting the unique combination of your genetic information and that of your partner!

At this stage, your baby’s pancreas already produces insulin, a crucial hormone for breaking down sugar. Additionally, its intestine is in position and ready for substances to pass through it. The fact that it has started to ingest amniotic fluid also means it has started producing its first bowel movements.

Your baby has plenty of space in the uterus to do some impressive somersaults and train its sucking reflex by sucking its thumb. It will get closer to the abdominal wall, trying to discover what’s happening outside and responding to the stimuli you provide. Every day is a step closer in this wonderful journey! Enjoy it to the fullest!

Week 14

The size of the baby is 3.42 inches, size of a business card

Great, you’re already in week 14 of the exciting pregnancy journey! At this moment, your little one is approaching the size of a business card.

Your baby’s facial features continue their transformation. Although its head remains a bit larger, growth slows down so that its body gradually transforms into that of a newborn. Its eyes and ears are already in place, in the center of the face and halfway up the sides of the head, respectively!

Have you thought about finding out your baby’s gender? In this week, your doctor can already tell you if you’re expecting a girl or a boy. It’s an exciting moment! If you prefer the surprise, be sure to let your doctor know before each ultrasound.

Your baby practices swallowing amniotic fluid and excretes it regularly. Furthermore, it continues to strengthen its sucking reflex; it now sucks its finger with more strength and awareness!

Week 15

The size of the baby is 3.98 inches, size of a coffee cup

Congratulations on reaching week 15 of the incredible journey of motherhood! At this exciting moment, your little one can be as big as a coffee cup.

Your baby’s heart is fully developed and now only needs to grow stronger and healthier every day! Soon you’ll be able to hear those magical beats on the ultrasound, a special moment for you and your partner that will make the reality of life inside you even more amazing!

From now on, the doctor will use the ultrasound to measure the biparietal diameter, a key measure for assessing the baby’s development and growth.

In week 15, your baby’s skin remains translucent, delicately showing its blood vessels. The placenta plays a crucial role in supplying nutrients and oxygen to the baby 24 hours a day. This connection is essential for its development and health. Although its lungs are not yet functioning, it gets the necessary oxygen through the umbilical cord, a true lifeline!

Week 16

The size of the baby is 4.57 inches, size of a computer mouse

In week 16, your baby is growing by leaps and bounds! Almost unnoticed, it’s now the size of a computer mouse. In the safety of the amniotic fluid, it moves constantly, practicing its movements and developing crucial skills.

Its legs are longer than its arms, allowing it to roll and tumble in the watery space. Although you may not feel all its movements due to the cushioning, you’ll soon experience its first kicks.

Its nervous system responds to external stimuli, such as the warmth of your hands on your belly. Additionally, it has started sucking its thumb, practicing the sucking reflex it will need after birth.

Hiccups are an amazing experience; as it swallows amniotic fluid and expels it with its diaphragm, it prepares to breathe outside the uterus.

Your doctor may suggest ultrasounds to monitor its development, but it’s recommended to limit them to reduce exposure to ultrasound radiation. Enjoy this exciting period and take good care of yourself!

From now on, the doctor will use the ultrasound to measure the biparietal diameter, a key measure for assessing the baby’s development and growth.

Week 17

The baby's size is 5.12 inches, as big as a baby bonnet

In week 17, imagine your little one measuring almost like a baby bonnet! But the most amazing thing is what’s happening on its face: its eyes are now in the center, its little nose has taken shape, and those adorable features are quickly defining themselves. It’s like watching a masterpiece come to life!

And that’s not all, get ready to be thrilled! Your little one is developing its senses and reflexes. It can already smell, hear, and taste! Its tiny sensory cells are awakening all over its body, making it more sensitive. But beware, it can now be startled by loud noises, so avoid very noisy environments.

And don’t miss this: the perception of light and darkness is already underway! It can feel the glow of the sun directly on your belly, responding to that brightness and warmth it receives. Imagine how your baby is exploring this wonderful world in a completely unique way! Every day is a new adventure for both of you!

Week 18

The baby's size is 5.59 inches, as large as baby teether

In week 18, your little treasure is as long as a baby teether! Yes, it already has the same dimensions as its faithful ally, the placenta, which provides everything it needs to grow strong and healthy!

And something exciting is happening with its vital connection! Both the placenta and the umbilical cord are adapting to meet your baby’s growing demand for nutrients at this stage of rapid growth. The umbilical cord becomes longer, thicker, and sturdier, like its first toy given to it before birth!

As for its body, it’s getting closer and closer to the proportions it will have at birth. Its limbs are growing at lightning speed, and the first hairs are appearing on its head! Also, in this magical week, you’ll be able to see its little heart beating on the ultrasound. It’s like attending its own internal concert, a melody that fills each beat with joy!

Week 19

The baby's size is 6.02 inches, as large as the width of a postcard

In week 19, your little one is already approaching the size of the width of a postcard! And, surprise! Although it still moves freely and trains its muscles, soon you’ll feel how those movements become more intense as it grows and gains weight. It’s like a little gymnast in your belly!

But the most amazing thing is its growing ability to interact with you. Your baby already reacts to the environment around it! You can communicate with it by placing your hands on your belly, conveying warmth and love. Additionally, it can already hear and recognize voices, so chat with it and tell it everything!

Its brain development is in full swing, especially in the areas responsible for sensory perception. Imagine all it’s discovering!

And if you’re curious about the gender, if it’s a boy, its testicles are already visible even though they’re still in its abdomen, ready to descend later! If it’s a girl, her ovaries have already formed millions of eggs, preparing for the future!

Week 20

The baby's size is 6.46 inches, as large as a diaper

In week 20, your little one is in full growth and fun mode! It’s almost the size 1 diaper and is in gymnast mode, practicing a full range of movements. Imagine those twists and turns causing ripples in the amniotic fluid! This is not only fun but also helps develop its balance and discover the center of gravity of its little body.

Your little one uses its arms to move and crawl in the amniotic fluid. A crucial training for when it’s born and seeks mom’s breasts to feed! This instinct has been key since the dawn of our evolution and remains important in our modern world.

Additionally, in week 20, its eyebrows start to grow, which it will retain for its entire life! It can move its eyelids, although it will keep them closed for a while longer. And here comes a surprise! Your baby starts to develop its memory. What it hears now, it will be able to recognize after birth! So why not start singing a lullaby to it? It will be the soundtrack of its dreams!

If you have a scheduled ultrasound, it will be exciting. You’ll be able to clearly see its limbs, internal organs, and even hear its little heart beating! Everything is taking shape wonderfully!

Week 21

The baby's size is 10.51 inches, as large as a person's face

In week 21, your little one is growing like a true wonder! It’s already as long as the face of a person.

Now, at this exciting stage, the sutures are forming in your baby’s skull, giving it its characteristic shape! Additionally, it’s perfecting its sleep/wake cycle, a crucial milestone in its development! During the ultrasound, you’ll discover how it sleeps, whether it leans its head back, places its hands under its chin, or brings its chin to its chest to support its head. A sweet anticipation of what its sleep will be like outside the womb!

In week 21, your baby’s sleep patterns are like those it will have at birth, already influenced by noise, light, and even your eating habits! Facial expressions also make their debut, with eyebrows and eyelashes already forming. Its skin becomes smoother, and the main layers, the epidermis and dermis, are taking shape.

And what about its activities? Your baby is very active, kicking, turning, grabbing the umbilical cord, and sucking its thumbs! Its digestive system is also active, processing the amniotic fluid and even tasting what you eat! A culinary experience from the womb!

Week 22

The baby's size is 10.94 inches, as large as a Johnson's Baby shampoo bottle

In week 22, your little one is growing by leaps and bounds, measuring approximately the size of a Johnson’s Baby shampoo bottle! Its appearance increasingly resembles what it will look like at birth, although smaller and thinner. Its skin is wrinkled due to the lack of subcutaneous fat, but those wrinkles will soon disappear as it grows and develops!

Your baby’s body hair has grown, and its hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows have the shape they will have at birth, although the hair is white and soft due to the lack of pigmentation. Its first baby teeth are starting to form beneath the gums, ready to make their debut between 6 and 9 months after birth.

Your baby’s limbs are already in proportion, and from week 22, its weight gain will surpass its length growth! The fat it’s accumulating will play a crucial role in regulating its body temperature when it’s born.

Additionally, it’s absorbing valuable antibodies from your bloodstream, building its immune system to fight infections and grow healthily! So even minor infections can have benefits by strengthening its immune system! How amazing is your little one’s journey into life!

Week 23

The baby's size is 11.38 inches., as tall as a baby bottle

In week 23, your little one is about the height of a baby bottle. Although measuring it can be a challenge due to its position and activity, your doctor uses ingenious formulas with measurements like femur length to estimate its size.

At this crucial stage, your baby is developing the pancreas, an essential organ for producing hormones and controlling blood sugar. This organ, with the Langerhans islets that produce insulin, is fundamental for sugar metabolism.

It still has plenty of room in the womb to move around, and it takes advantage of it to train its muscles, tendons, and senses! If you feel a lot of movement, it could be making rapid “trips” from one side of the womb to the other!

The amniotic cavity, with half a liter of fluid, is an active environment. Your baby drinks about 400 ml of amniotic fluid a day, training its digestive system! With each passing week, the chances of survival in case of premature birth increase, although it’s important to continue with medical appointments to reduce that risk. Every day is a step towards the wonderful encounter with your little one!

Week 24

The baby's size is 11.81 inches, as large as a bottle of wine

In week 24, your little one is reaching new heights, it’s already as big as a bottle of wine! Although it has already grown quite a bit, it still has a whole universe to move around in, and you’ll feel every little kick in your belly, day and night! With these movements, the baby continues to develop its muscles. Additionally, it’s working hard to develop more fatty tissue and reach the necessary weight before the big day!

Some moms may notice small bruises or bruises on their belly due to their baby’s kicks. There’s no need to worry; they’re clear signs that your baby is growing and full of activity!

And speaking of development this week, your baby is comfortable but ready to explore the sensory world. It’s ready to receive stimuli, and it will begin to react more and more to the sounds it hears in the womb! Your voice will become its key stimulus and vital reference point in the early years. The connection between a newborn and its mother is simply amazing!

But that’s not all; its sense of taste is also taking off! It can already distinguish between sour, bitter, and salty flavors in the amniotic fluid, and it can now identify sweet tastes! This development will give it an innate preference for sweet foods, which is wonderful because your breast milk is also sweet! Additionally, it’s essential for regulating its body temperature!

Week 25

The baby's size is 13.62 inches, as large as a recorder

In the incredible week 25, your little one is reaching new dimensions, it’s as big as a recorder!

Although your baby still has space to do its adorable acrobatics, you’ll soon notice that the somersaults become tighter due to constant growth. It will soon begin to feel cramped in its cozy home!

At this exciting stage, your baby’s eyes are fully formed, opening and closing at will. Although we don’t know the color of its iris yet, that’s part of the mystery that will soon be revealed! Its skin also begins to acquire a pinkish tone, marking its path to adorable tenderness.

Balance development is underway, allowing your little one to refine its movements and exhibit more subtle control. Imagine the sweetness when it can touch its nose with its tiny fingers and bring its thumb to its mouth to suck!

The amazing development of the lungs is also underway. Although they’re not fully mature, they’re already preparing for the big day when your little one breathes on its own. Your doctor can observe this exciting progress in an ultrasound, a glimpse into the miracle of development!

Week 26

The baby's size is 14.02 inches, as large as a small Peregrine falcon

In week 26, your little treasure is growing by leaps and bounds, it’s already as big as a small Peregrine falcon! With each passing day, your baby’s cozy home becomes smaller.

In this fascinating week, your baby’s nostrils start to open, marking the beginning of “breathing” practice. It’s amazing to know that, inside your womb, they’re rehearsing for that special moment when they’ll inhale the surrounding air!

Visual development is also in full swing. Your baby’s eyes can already distinguish between light and darkness. The difference between your baby’s wakefulness and rest periods will become more evident. When it’s awake and active, you’ll feel its tender movements, while during its sleep moments, your belly will be calm, offering you a sweet respite from its busy activity. Even if you’re expecting twins, these two little angels tend to share behaviors, creating a beautiful ballet inside you!

Week 27

The baby's size is 14.41 inches, as large as a quena

In week 27, your little one reaches the size of a quena! Additionally, an exciting developmental milestone occurs. Your baby’s eyes can not only distinguish between light and darkness but now they can open and close those eyelids, practicing this fascinating visual ballet over and over again!

Brain development is in full swing, with the first grooves marking the path to more complex thought processes and sharper sensory perception. Your baby’s body proportions are adjusting, with the head growing more slowly while the rest of the body strives to catch up.

At this exciting stage, your baby’s lungs have reached a level of development that significantly increases its chances of survival in case of premature birth. Although they would still require mechanical ventilation, they no longer face significant risks to their life and health! A step forward towards the exciting arrival of your little treasure.

Week 28

The baby's size is 14.80 inches, as large as a pack of diapers

In week 28, your little treasure is reaching new heights, as big as a pack of diapers! Your baby’s development is in full swing. This week marks a crucial milestone as it begins to absorb antibodies from your blood through the placenta.

Your baby’s brain and lungs are actively developing. In fact, the baby is actively practicing the breathing process. To do this, it swallows amniotic fluid, which can cause hiccups, a sensation you’ll surely notice as small spasms in your abdomen. These breathing practices are vital to prepare for life outside the womb.

As for its eyes, they’re working hard. It can open and close them, distinguish between light and darkness, colors, and shapes. Although its vision isn’t perfect yet, it’s on its way to sharper vision that will fully develop in its early years.

With all this at stake, if your baby decided to enter the world at this moment, its chances of survival would be quite encouraging!

Week 29

The baby's size is 15.20 inches, the length of a xylophone

In week 29, imagine your little miracle, it’s as big as the length of a xylophone! The more it grows, the fewer challenges it will face if it decides to venture into the world ahead of time.

At this enchanted stage, your baby is taking shape, a tender preview of what it will be like at birth. Its features have developed rapidly, and its proportions have been established. But, the most exciting thing is what happens inside: its organs, complex and ready for action, are performing their roles gracefully.

Weight gain is the star of the show this week. Fat cells are already in place, ready to store those essential reserves. It’s time for “filling” for your little one, preparation for those first days after birth when your breast milk will be key to its growth!

You can also imagine its body covered in lanugo, increasingly thick and cozy hair. Some are already showing their hair, a delightful genetic surprise!

Week 30

The baby's size is 15.71 inches, as large as a laptop

Week 30, a fascinating chapter in your little one’s odyssey! Its presence comes to life with its impressive 15.71 inches, equivalent to a large laptop!

At this stage, fine details are being perfected. The lungs, almost ready for their big debut, are preparing to breathe the air of the outside world. The complex digestive system is also taking shape, ready to process the delights of breast milk.

The most exciting thing is the development of subcutaneous fat, giving its body a compact, pink appearance. These fat reserves will be its secret to regulating temperature and facing the first days after birth!

Taking the fetal position, your little one is getting ready for the big event. Although space in the womb is shrinking, this position keeps it warm and comfortable, a practice that will continue after birth with blankets and sleeping bags!

The lanugo, that soft layer, is on the decline, giving way to delicate fuzz. The stage is set for the last ultrasound, a careful look at the position of the placenta. A crucial detail for the big day! We’re about to meet this little wonder, the adventure continues!

Week 31

The baby's size is 16.18 inches, almost like a classic txistu

Week 31 marks the culmination of the amazing eighth month of your journey! Your treasure has grown to an impressive height of 16.18 inches, almost like a classic txistu!

In the fascinating internal world, its organs are completing their development. Its lungs are ready to expandā€”truly a wonder of nature! Even if it decided to make an early entrance, it would only need a little help to breathe.

Your little one, now with a established sleep pattern, moves less but with palpable vitality when awake. Its strong movements can cause unforgettable sensations. Although it hasn’t yet adopted the position for the big day, its head is moving towards the birth canal, preparing for the exciting moment.

Week 32

The baby's size is 16.69 inches, as large as a nancy doll

In week 32, your little one is as big as a nancy doll, reaching an astonishing 16.69 inches! Its development is a spectacle in progress, and there’s still more to come!

At this stage, your treasure is almost fully formed. Its organs are ready and just need some fine-tuning. The lungs are prepared for the future. Almost ready for that first breath!

With little space in the uterus, your baby gradually adopts the adorable fetal position. Its legs curl up, its tiny fingers explore the world, and it may even suck its big toe as a cute suction practice!

Although it already looks like a newborn, it still needs to accumulate subcutaneous fat for that chubby look and as a vital reserve for its early days. Soon, it will lose the wrinkles and prepare for the embrace of the outside world!

Week 33

The baby's size is 17.20 inches, as large as a burp cloth

In week 33, your little one measures 17.20 inches, as long as a burp cloth! This baby is growing by leaps and bounds, and there’s still more to come!

Its development is at its peak. Organs in place and ready for action! Your baby’s sensory perception is almost complete: it hears, tastes, sees, and feels touch. Only the sense of smell is missing, but that will come after the grand debut! If it decided to peek out now, it would only need a little help to maintain its temperature.

At this stage, its brain is developing rapidly. Although its head is not yet as big, it’s growing about 1.3 cm this week. The soft spots on its skull, those fontanelles, are key for birth and will allow its brain space to grow after birth.

Its skeletal system is ready, although the bones will need to harden further for the big event. But here’s the thing: they’re born with the bones still hardening! The pediatrician will closely monitor its development in the first weeks and months of life.

Week 34

The baby's size is 17.72 inches, as long as a standard keyboard

Your little treasure is ready for its grand entrance! In week 34, it measures an impressive 17.72 inches, like a standard keyboard! It’s growing rapidly, and although every baby has its own pace, it will soon reach the perfect weight for the big day. The countdown is on!

Your baby’s senses are in full swing, especially its hearing, which improves significantly. It can pick up high-pitched sounds, and once born, it will recognize familiar voices and sounds it’s been hearing! This familiarity will give it security and comfort from its earliest days.

Its skeletal system absorbs calcium to strengthen its bones, although they won’t be fully developed at birth. Your baby’s lungs are in the final stage of development, and although space in the uterus decreases, your little one keeps dancing from side to side!

If it’s a boy, in week 34, its testicles begin to descend into the scrotum. The ultrasound reveals a swollen scrotum due to water retention, but there’s no need to worry! This will normalize after a few days.

Week 35

The baby's size is 18.19 inches, as large as the body of a cat

Your little baby is ready for the big party! In week 35, he or she measures about 18.19 inches, about the size of the body of a cat excluding the tail. Despite the limited space, your little prodigy coordinates subtle movements, such as touching its nose or sucking its thumb. Its reflexes, from sucking to grasping, are perfectly trained, and its breathing reflex is ready for the big moment!

The digestive organs are working hard: kidneys and liver play crucial roles. The kidneys eliminate metabolic waste, while the liver converts sugar into glucose, vital for its future nutrition. In its intestines, meconium forms, a mixture of amniotic fluid, vernix caseosa, and lanugo, which your baby will excrete in its first days.

Your treasure’s immune system is already active, independent of yours. It has absorbed the necessary antibodies for its own immunity, but its complete development will take a few years. Your breast milk, with precious colostrum, will be its initial shield against pathogens!

Week 36

The baby's size is 18.66 inches, as large as a baritone ukulele

Your little one has reached the height of a baritone ukulele and now measures 18.66 inches! Its body has become chubby thanks to fat reserves, which will allow it to regulate its body temperature when born.

The main development in these last weeks will be weight gain, but its growth will also continue. These fat reserves are crucial for maintaining its body heat in the early days. Remember that it’s normal for babies to lose a little weight at first!

All of your baby’s systems are working perfectly. Almost certainly, it has already assumed the birthing position towards the lower area of your pelvis. The false labor movements you’re experiencing contribute to this process and help your baby move towards the birth canal.

In week 36, your baby is very aware of its surroundings, hearing voices, music, and picking up on your emotions. It’s crucial to relax, focus on yourself and the baby, and conserve energy for labor. Your little one is in a confined space, and although it doesn’t move much due to its position, it’s gathering strength for the impending big moment. There’s no turning back now, the exciting encounter is approaching!

Week 37

The baby's size is 19.13 inches, as long as medium bath mat

Your baby has reached the length of a medium bath mat, at 19.13 inches! Additionally, it’s rapidly gaining weight, preparing for its grand entrance into the world and continuing to increase its fat reserves. About 15% of its body weight is fat, which will allow it to maintain its body temperature and support its healthy development after birth.

At this stage, your baby is losing most of its lanugo and the waxy vernix caseosa covering it. Small amounts of these may still be present on its skin at birth, and experts can use them to estimate its exact age. The amniotic fluid your baby continues to drink will contribute to the formation of meconium, the first fecal matter it will excrete after birth.

As it approaches birth, your baby’s head has moved down into the lower part of your pelvis, the ideal position for labor. Although this position may be uncomfortable for your baby, many of them take advantage of this time to rest and gather strength for the big day. They’re ready to face the outside world at any moment!

Week 38

The baby's size is 19.61 inches, as big as a onesie bodysuit

Imagine this! Your little one has grown to measure 19.61 inches, practically like an Onesie bodysuit! The excitement is palpable as it prepares for its grand entrance into the world. The head, with a diameter of about 12.6 inches, is ready and eager for the wonderful process of childbirth.

At this stage, your baby moves less, as if taking a break before the big event. Space becomes smaller, and the baby is already in the right position. Some babies may need a little external assistance.

The excitement doesn’t stop! Your body is producing cortisol, a crucial boost for developing your baby’s lungs. At this stage, your doctor, like the director of this exciting production, performs ultrasounds to ensure that the placenta continues to supply the necessary nutrients for your little one.

Week 39

The baby's size is 19.96 inches, the height of the Risk board

The countdown has begun! Your baby, as big as the height of the Risk board, measures around 19.69 inches. It’s accumulating those adorable fat reserves that will make it chubby and ready to explore the outside world.

At this stage, its internal organs are ripe, functioning perfectly to receive everything it needs after birth. Your little adventurer is prepared for the big day!

The eyes, mirrors of the soul, have their own time of revelation. They won’t take on their final color until your baby is between 12 and 18 months old. So, for now, enjoy those changing hues that could be green, blue, or grayish.

You may feel irregular contractions, moving your little explorer towards the lower part of your pelvis. The exciting finale is approaching! With the decrease in amniotic fluid, the stage is set for the grand spectacle: the birth of your treasure, accompanied by the expulsion of the rest of the amniotic fluid. Get ready to welcome your baby at any moment!

Week 40

The baby's size is 20.16 inches., as big as a security blanket

It’s the long-awaited moment! Your baby, the size of a security blanket, measures approximately 20.16 inches, ready to make its grand entrance into the world.

During these last weeks, your little one has accumulated valuable fat reserves, now representing around 15% of its body weight. Its liver is also absorbing starch from your bloodstream, which it will convert into glucose for the energy it needs in its first days of life before receiving your breast milk full of benefits.

The time before birth is a period of adjustments. Your baby, already without enough space in the uterus, will retract into the fetal position, eagerly awaiting to embark on its journey into the outside world. This position will be maintained in the first weeks after birth.

Childbirth, although exciting, is also a challenge for your baby. After false contractions, the real work begins with the uterus contracting to facilitate descent. Before its head can pass through your vagina, it will need to rotate 90 degrees, an intense part of the birthing process.

Once it has turned, its head will be visible, ready for its first breath and its first cry, signs that it has passed the critical stage of birth. Although its shoulders still need to come out with your help, the rest of its little body will slide easily into the world. Your baby needs your love and care more than ever!