Marie bravely embarked on her journey with Centro Tepeyac, accompanied by her grandmother, who believed abortion was the best course of action due to Marie’s underage status. Prior to their visit, Marie’s mother and grandmother had already made the decision on her behalf. However, counseling at Centro Tepeyac proved to be a turning point.
“I went to the Centro Tepeyac with my grandmother, who thought it was best for me to have an abortion because I was still underage. Before visiting the center, my mother and grandmother had already made the decision for me. During counseling, I learned that what I was carrying inside me was a life, not just a blood clot as I had heard people say. After talking with the counselor, I chose to keep my baby. No one has the right to take my baby’s life. Thank you so much for helping me save my son’s life,” shares Marie.
In the midst of conflicting opinions and pressures, Marie found clarity and strength through the guidance and support provided by Centro Tepeyac. Our counselors offered her insight into the sanctity of life and empowered her to make a decision aligned with her beliefs and values.
Marie’s courageous choice to preserve her baby’s life underscores the profound impact of Centro Tepeyac’s mission. We stand as advocates for the rights of mothers and their unborn children, providing compassionate care and support throughout their journey.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Marie for sharing her journey and allowing Centro Tepeyac to be part of her story.